Young People’s Workshop: What Matters to Me

This 4 session workshop is a safe online space for students aged 18-25 years, to explore what is important to you as a young person, navigating your mental health and recovery. Participate as much as you feel comfortable with and you can choose to have your camera on or off. The first session on 19th June is a gentle introduction and opportunity for students to suggest what you would like covered over the following 3 sessions.

Please refer to the online workshop page in the brochure and/or website for important guidance on expectations.

Course facilitator: Jacquie and Kosar

Dates: 19th June: Intro session (find out what is important to you).
3rd July
10th July
17th July

Time: 1:30pm – 2:30pm

These sessions will be online via Microsoft Teams.

After you complete the course please take a few minutes to fill out our course evaluation, which can be found here. This short questionnaire really helps us develop and improve our workshops. Thank you for your help!

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