Our EMBRACE therapeutic group programme is accredited by The Royal College of Psychiatrists
12th May 2020

Our EMBRACE therapeutic group programme has just been accredited by The Royal College of Psychiatrists’ College Centre for Quality Improvement (CCQI). This is a significant milestone for all of our members over the years, who have co-produced this programme from the very first day. Each and every person who has been a member (and yes all of you visitors too!), has contributed to this achievement. The accreditation team and panel stated: “The review team were particularly impressed with the four phases of EMBRACE programme. The phases offer a neat expression of progression through the community, which is flexible and can be suited towards the needs and strengths of the community member. The review team were particularly impressed with the functionality of the fourth phase of membership, with the encouragement of current members to go out and create their own groups and workshops for service users outside the community.
The extent of co-facilitation in the community was abundantly clear to the visiting team. Members are clearly involved in all aspects of running programme, and the feeling of ownership that arises from this was apparent. The impact of such inclusion and co-facilitation was telling.”
We are very proud and grateful to everyone who has been involved with the EMBRACE group. What fantastic news during this difficult time!