Instructions for attending workshops
If on your phone/tablet, your device may ask you whether you would like to open this link via internet or the Teams app – please click Microsoft Teams application and select that as your “always” option (if this comes up). If signing in from a laptop, once you click the link in the email it will take you to a web page in your browser. If you haven’t yet downloaded the application, you can do so by clicking this link or scanning the QR code below:
Choose to sign in as a guest (rather than log in/register) and enter your name when prompted.
At present, you are able to enter the room without going in to the lobby/waiting room. When this happens, you will be likely to see your face (if you are the only person in the workshop) or see yourself and others (if there are other guests).
The facilitators aim to join the workshop a few minutes before it starts so please make yourself comfortable if you have connected before the workshop start time – we will be with you soon!
You can choose to have your video on/off and your microphone on/off.
If you are joining after the set workshop time, please make sure your microphone is off when you are in the “waiting room”, so you do not disturb others when we invite you in.
SMOKING: Please note that our No Smoking Policy extends to the virtual courses too. We hope you will be able to refrain from smoking during our workshops, however if you do need to step out, please make sure you turn your camera off.